‘Back to Church Sunday’ Sept 11 at First UMC

Back to Church Sunday 2016This coming Sunday, Sept. 11, is “Back to Church Sunday” at First United Methodist Church, 307 S. Wilson, in Jefferson. All are invited.

The morning begins with a free breakfast at 8:30 am. Sunday school classes for all ages begin at 9 am. Child care will be available for children under 3 years. Parents are welcome to attend an adult class or enjoy coffee while the children are in class.

Also at 9 am, Pastor Julie Poulsen will meet with newcomers and eighth graders/confirmation class in an orientation to the church program and building.

All are welcome to come meet new friends, get a tour of the building, and learn a little about upcoming events.

Coffee and fellowship time begins at 10 am, with worship at 10:30. Pastor Julie will preach on “Each Day is a New Beginning: Learning how to begin again.” The theme of the day is “Now Is the Time!”

Children and youth programs will begin at First United Methodist Church Wednesday, Sept. 14. Children in grades K-4 are invited to Crazy 4 Christ from 3:45 to 5 pm. Rehearsals for the Christmas musical featuring students in grades 2-8 will be from 2:15 to 3:30 pm.

Webb House will be open Wednesdays from 1:45 to 5 pm for students in grades 5-8.

A supper will be served at 5 pm, with youth groups for grades 5-7 and 8-12 meeting at the Webb House from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. Confirmation class for eighth graders starts Sunday, Sept. 11, at 9 am.

Parents are asked to register their children by calling 515-386-4411, emailing jeffumc@netins.net, or by visiting the church office at 307 S. Wilson. All are welcome.

Persons who want more information can contact Christian education director Karen Shannon or Webb House coordinator Jim North.


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